…be the Marytr….

Puttersworth Bickleton
2 min readApr 29, 2022

I was not certain where I should leave the key — this one move here and abouts. Never in one place for too long! Somewhere in the world, but only one place remains stagnant; that delicious bakery. The heavens made in fluffy dough, I would lay in bundles of them — the flavor, the texture! I’ve frequented many establishments, none so backwater and more deserving of recognition. I hope her mother or another patron don’t happen upon it or I’ll have to recast!

Something to protect — that place, with family. A home and people to return to are what many oft endlessly slave toward. Carpenters, a smithy, and those that spot the calming, joyful experience that is adventuring. They work, fight, and bleed for a place to call their own, with a family to protect; they would suffer hells to possess that reality.

This fearful pirate, sowed in seeds of chaos and hatred — vengeance seeped in her pores — she intended on robbing those dreams from those she thought deserving. Whether or not it was justified, is a matter of discussion and opinion — but she rid them of their dreams, regardless. Fruits of her labor, buried underneath the tides. Her regret, stuffed away in the cupboards of a refuge her viciousness grants her.

Oh, but those cupcakes are quite scrumptious!

